miercuri, 25 decembrie 2013

Adaptor Triplu-Stecher Euro-American-Englezesc

        Pret Promo - Adaptor Triplu-Stecher Euro-American-Englezesc Shuko

Adaptor universal permite folosirea in Romania a aparatelor electrice aduse din strainatate si care au stecker de tip englezesc, american, japonez sau australian: notebook-uri, laptopuri, PDA-uri, telefoane, etc. Proiectat sa lucreze cu oricare tip de stecker folosit in Marea Britanie, Asia, Statele Unite, China, Japonia, Australia, Noua Zeelanda si poate fi folosit impreuna cu toate tipurile de aparate cu alimentare universala 90-240V 16A

#Adaptor priza compatibil cu stechere din: U.S.A., Marea Britanie, Japonia, Canada, Philippine, Thailanda, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Africa de Sud, Danemarca#

miercuri, 9 octombrie 2013

Certificat Energetic Ieftin Rapid Simplu şi Economic!

Daca vrei sa vinzi o locuinta, sa inchiriezi sau vrei sa intabulezi o cladire noua, nu o poti face fara acest certificat.
Art. 12 – alin. (2) Pentru categoriile de cladiri care se vand sau se inchiriaza, certificatul se elaboreaza prin grija proprietarului si se prezinta la incheierea contractului de vanzare-cumparare, respectiv a contractului de inchiriere.
Performanta energetica se refera la tot ceea ce implica o buna functionare a cladirii: incalzirea termica a incaperilor, incalzirea apei pentru consum, racirea, ventilarea, iluminatul sau orice alte utilitati.
Certificatul Energetic atesta cat de eficienta este sau nu o cladire in consumul resurselor – combustibil, energie electrica, energie termica – pentru a oferi conditiile optime de functionare.
Chiar daca nu urmeaza sa vinzi, sa inchiriezi sau nu ai o cladire noua,   Certificatul Energetic se poate dovedi extrem de util. Iti poti face astfel o idee clara cat de mult cheltuiesti pentru intretinerea cladirii si mai ales, prin recomandarile ce insotesc acest certificat, afli ce ar trebui sa faci pentru a reduce aceste cheltuieli si a spori confortul propriu cu cheltuieli minime.

            Aici - Certificat Energetic Bucureşti 

Avizare Energetica
Pentru emiterea unui Certificat Energetic, pretul este influentat de suprafata desfasurata a locuintei.
Tarifele noastre sunt:
  • Garsoniera 250 lei, pentru garsonierele din Sectorul 2, Bucuresti
  • Garsoniera 270 lei
  • Apartament 2 camere 300 lei
  • Apartament 3-4 camere 350 lei
  • Casa cu suprafata desfasurata 4 lei/m2, nu mai putin de 400 de lei.
Pentru cladiri de birouri, depozite, hale industriale, hale frigorifice, spatii publice sau alte constructii, va rugam sa ne contactati pentru cel mai bun pret.
Preturile nu includ TVA.

Cele 7 “Note” sunt de la A la G insa fiecare clasa are in spate un punctaj de la 1 la 100 stabilit in functie de multi parametrii.
Piramida eficienta web 300px
Cum se stabilesc clasele?
La stabilirea clasei energetice sunt luate in calcul cele mai diverse criterii: grosimea peretilor, tipul de zidarie, tipul de acoperis, starea subsolului, starea coloanelor de incalzire, performanta sistemului de incalzire sau de aerisire. Toate aceste informatii se obtin prin cercetarea la fata locului de catre auditorul autorizat, din documentele specifice sau, in lipsa acestora, din informatiile provenite de la proprietar sau prin masuratori specifice.
Clasa energetica A presupune un consum de mai putin de 125 kwh/m2/an, energie consumata pentru asigurarea conditiilor optime – temperatura, iluminat, apa calda. La polul opus, clasa energetica G presupune un consum de peste 820 Kwh/m2/an.
Majoritatea cladirilor din Romania se incadreaza in acest moment in clasa C sau D. Nici chiar cladirile noi, cele mai multe din ele, nu intra in clasa A, decat daca au fost special proiectate si construite in acest sens. Ideal, in acest moment, este de a duce o cladire in clasa B sau C iar masuri urgente ar trebui luate pentru cladirile din clasa E, F sau G.
Totusi, prin masuri specifice, performanta energetica a unei cladiri se poate imbunatatii substantial. Acest lucru se traduce simplu: prin reducerea cheltuielilor, mai ales in sezoanele cu temperaturi extreme si un confort sporit. Pentru ca, nu-i asa, nu vrem neaparat sa stam cu manusi si fular in fata televizorului in miez de iarna sau cu punga de gheata in brate in miez de vara!

Avizare Energetică
Avizare Energetica

Cum pot imbunatati performantele energetice ale cladirii mele ?

Principalul rol al Certificatului Energetic este de a indica daca o cladire are nevoie sau nu de imbunatatiri pentru a deveni mai “economica”. Cu alte cuvinte, daca are nevoie si in ce masura, de Reabilitare Termica.
De altfel, orice Certificat emis trebuie sa contina “masuri recomandate” – partea cea mai importanta din punct de vedere al proprietarului sau viitorului proprietar.
Cu cat o locuinta se afla intr-o clasa energetica mai joasa, cu atat, lucrarile de reabilitare termica ar trebui sa aiba loc mai urgent si cu o amploare mai mare. Trebuie insa puse mereu in balanta cheltuielile si beneficiile prin prisma economiilor generate.
Cum cresterea pretului energiei este o certitudine, randamentul lucrarilor de reabilitare devine tot mai mare.
Cele mai eficiente metode de imbunatatire a performantei energetice din punct de vedere cost versus beneficii ar fi:
  • - termoizolarea peretilor exteriori
  • - folosirea geamurilor termopan
  • - termoizolarea acoperisului sau a terasei
  • - optimizarea iluminatului interior si folosirea pe cat posibil a luminii naturale
  • - optimizarea incalzirii apei calde
  • - optimizarea sistemului de incalzire si racire
  • - folosirea pe cat posibil a resurselor regenerabile
Sunt insa si metode care nu tin de materiale sau lucrari de constructie ci mai degraba de imaginatie. De exemplu, plantarea unei bariere de copaci poate creste gradul de protejare a unei case in fata vanturilor reci din mijlocul iernii sau a soarelui puternic in miez de vara. Captarea si folosirea apei de ploaie poate reduce consumul de apa menajera.

Inca in stadiul de proiectare este necesar sa se tina cont de consumul si tipul de energie consumat de o cladire. De aceea, in aprobarea planurilor arhitecturale este solicitat de multe ori si Certificatul Energetic care este de altfel obligatoriu in momentul receptionarii cladirii.
De ce este important ca o cladire sa fie economica ?
In primul rand pentru ca pretul energiei conventionale nu are de gand sa scada iar in urmatorii 10 ani, probabil, nici pretul energiei neconventionale nu va scadea foarte tare.
In al doilea rand, pentru a-i creste valoarea. Poti vinde sau inchiria mai bine si mai repede o locuinta care nu genereaza cheltuieli majore.
Nu in ultimul rand, legislatia in viitor va fi tot mai stricta in acest domeniu astfel incat, proiectand acum o cladire economica, scapi de eventuale investitii ulterioare ce ar putea fi impuse prin lege.

luni, 7 octombrie 2013

Shop like a U.S. resident, online with zero sales-tax

Lowest international shipping rates in the industry, Enjoy sales tax-free U.S. online shopping, Shop like a U.S. resident, Shop online with zero sales-tax, Open the doors to any U.S. online store, Combine multiple purchases into a single shipment,  No U.S. billing address? We'll buy on your behalf.
Buy online at the best price in usa , we'll ship your purchases worldwide to you, international shipping from any U.S. online store including Amazon, eBay, Zappos, Sephora, Polo and countless more. Register with to get a free U.S. Address that all U.S. online stores will deliver to. From your U.S. address, we forward your packages to DHL & FedEx for international shipping to more than 220 countries worldwide.

            Ship Internationally from any US Online Store

Gain access to shopping any U.S. online store
Many U.S. online stores don't offer international shipping at all or only ship certain products internationally, and their international shipping rates tend to be high. Use your U.S. address to gain access to any U.S. store, and enjoy our lower international shipping rates worldwide.
No U.S. billing address? We'll buy on your behalf
Many U.S. shopping websites do not currently accept credit cards or PayPal accounts without a U.S. billing address. We gives you access to buying from these sites through our BuyForMe service. We buy the products on your behalf and instruct the merchants to deliver to our warehouse (your U.S. address).                     
Ship your U.S. online purchases home to any country in the world

Enjoy sales tax-free U.S. online shopping 
When you register with us, you're given a free U.S. address, which is also the address of our warehouse. This is located in Portland, Oregon. As Oregon is one of the few sales tax-free states in the U.S., this means that none of your U.S. online purchases will incur any sales tax. This can save you between 5 to 12 percent of your product costs.
Preferred by over 500,000 online shoppers worldwide
With customers from all over the world, is now preferred by more than 500,000 users from 220 countries worldwide. Part of the reason why we have gained so much exposure is because we are the official service providers for Visa, American Express, PayPal and JCB.
We repack your packages to reduce shipping costs 
In international shipping, your chargeable shipping weight is dependent not only on the weight but also the size of your packages. We assess all your packages that arrive to determine if we can cut down your shipping costs by repacking. If repacking is feasible, it will be made available to you when you select your international shipping options.
Combine multiple purchases into a single shipment 
Following industry standards, when it comes to air freight, the first half kilo of each shipment, known as the base weight, costs significantly more than each additional half kilo within the same shipment. While our international shipping rates are already low to begin with, you can save even further by combining packages from multiple purchases into a single shipment. This way, you only have to pay for the base weight once, enabling you to save even more on international shipping.
Lowest international shipping rates in the industry 
Why pay more when you don't have to? Some U.S. online stores and other U.S. shipping companies do in fact offer international shipping, but their rates are usually higher than ours. Also, shipping directly through U.S. online stores denies you the chance to repack and combine packages. Many of our customers stick with us because they find that in the long run, they can save so much more - the entire U.S. online shopping process becomes more fruitful and cost effective to them.
International delivery in partnership with DHL & FedEx
Once you’ve selected to ship your packages internationally, we forward your packages and delivery details to DHL & FedEx who then deliver to your doorstep in any country. Have your packages delivered around the globe to you in as quickly as 3 to 5 business days.
Shopping with your
free U.S. address.
Your free U.S. address enables you to shop and enjoy the same benefits as a U.S. resident. When checking out at U.S. webstores, get them to deliver to your U.S. address. If a U.S. webstore prompts you to select your country when browsing their site, simply select U.S.A as your shipping destination.

Your free U.S. address.
Your ticket to smarter online shopping
To find out how to make the most of your U.S. address, in terms of both accessibility and savings, refer to our quick guide below.
Shop like a U.S. resident
At some U.S. webstores, U.S. customers enjoy a wider product selection and lower prices for the same products. Furthermore, domestic shipping is often minimal or free. Enjoy the same shopping privileges as U.S. residents with U.S. address.
Open the doors to any U.S. online store
Many U.S. online stores don't offer international shipping - simply get them to deliver to your U.S. address and we'll handle the international shipping to you at the lowest rates. If a webstore won't accept your payment method, use our BuyForMe service and we'll make the purchase on your behalf.
Shop online with zero sales-tax
As your U.S. address is located in Oregon, one of the few sales tax-free states in the US, you will never have to pay any sales tax on any of your U.S. online purchases with us . This shaves between 5 to 12 percent off the total cost of your products.
30 days of free storage.
When any of your packages arrive at your U.S. address, you are entitled to store them for free for 30 days (60 days for Prime Members). This free storage feature is meant to facilitate consolidating multiple purchases into a single shipment, allowing you to wait for packages from separate purchases to arrive before having them all shipped internationally within a single shipment.
Identifying your packages
When you register, you're given a free U.S. address that contains a unique identifier known as a Suite ID. This allows us to distinguish your packages whenever they arrive at your U.S. address (our warehouse facility). Once your packages have been matched to your account, you will receive an email from us notifying you of their arrival. Simply sign into your account to manage your international shipping options.
Repacking Option

International shipping charges depend not only on the weight of your packages but their sizes as well. Generally, the smaller the package the less it will cost. We assess all incoming packages at our warehouse facility (your US address) to determine if they can be repacked either through cutting down the size of the package or using a different packaging material altogether. If repacking is feasible, you will be offered the option when you choose to ship internationally.

International Shipping 

Many U.S. stores don't offer international shipping, while those that do tend to charge high shipping rates. Whichever webstore you're buying from, comGateway will ship internationally to your doorstep at the lowest rates.

Delivery through DHL & FedEx.

We forward all your packages, freight and delivery details to DHL and FedEx who will ship internationally to your doorstep. Unlike typical postal services which will only attempt delivery once, if you or a family member is not home to receive your packages, these premium carriers will keep re-delivering until they've ensured you've received your packages.

Lowest international shipping rates around the world.

One of the main draws in shopping online is to arbitrage on the lower prices in the U.S. for the exact same products. These savings are partially negated if you're charged exhorbitant rates for international shipping, which many U.S. webstores which offer international shipping tend to do. Due to our relationship with DHL and FedEx and our ability to forward packages to them in bulk, we're able to offer you lower shipping rates to ensure you maximize your online shopping savings

Express International Shipping Option.

If you need your package delivered to you in the shortest time possible, simply select the Express Shipping option when managing your international shipping options and we'll deliver to you from the U.S. in as quickly as 3-5 business days.

Track your shipments.

Once your packages leave your U.S. address, you'll receive an email from us containing your airway bill number which enables you to track the whereabouts of your packages all the way to your final destination. Tracking can be done by inputting your airway bill number on the DHL or FedEx websites.

Keep aware of your country's import taxes and duties.

Please check your country’s import tax limits. For example in Australia, you don’t need to pay tax or duties for packages that cost under AU$1,000. In Singapore, it’s S$400. In Hong Kong there is no limit. Keep the total cost of your packages under these limits to avoid having to pay these extras.

Shave those shipping costs off.
Get your free U.S. address now.

Better. Faster. Greater Value.
We often get asked, “Dear, what really happens to my Kindle on the way here?” So that’s why we’ve put together this little slideshow to help you better understand how we get your goods to you so quickly and affordably. And that’s always something good to know.

Ship Internationally from any US Online Store 

Ship your U.S. online purchases home to any country in the world

luni, 30 septembrie 2013

Baterii Auto Energizer - Oferta Promotionala

Baterie Auto Energizer Premium 100Ah 830A, Baterie auto Energizer Plus 95Ah 830A, Baterie AUTO Energizer Premium 80Ah 740A, Acumulator Auto, Baterie Energizer Premium 77Ah 780A, Baterie Energizer Plus 74Ah 680A, Baterie  72Ah 680A, Baterie auto Energizer Plus 70Ah 640A, Baterie Energizer Plus 68Ah 550A, Baterie AUTO Energizer Commercial Premium 225Ah 1150A, Baterie Auto Energizer Comercial 220Ah 1150A, Baterie Energizer Comercial 180Ah curent 1100A, Baterie Energizer Comercial Premium 140Ah 800A borna inversa, Baterie Energizer

Detalii aici; Baterie 91Ah - 740A Energizer Plus (306X173x225)(EP91JX)borna inversa 

Detalii aici; Baterie 91Ah - 740A (EN) Energizer Plus (306X173x225)(EP91JX)borna inversa 

Detalii aici; Baterie 95Ah - 830A(EN) Energizer Plus (306X173x225)(EP91JX)borna inversa

Detalii aici; Baterie 90Ah-720A(EN) Energizer (353X175x190)(E-L5 720)borna normala

Detalii aici; Baterie 80Ah - 740A(EN) Energizer Premium (315X175x175)(EM80-LB4)borna normala

Detalii aici; Baterie 77Ah - 780A(EN) Energizer Premium (278X175x190)(EM77-L3)borna normala 

Detalii aici; Detalii Baterie 74Ah 680A(EN) Energizer Plus (278X175x190)(EP74-L3)borna normala

Detalii aici; Baterie 60Ah 510A(EN) Energizer Plus (232X173x225)(EP60JX)borna inversa 

Detalii aici; Baterie 44Ah 440A(EN) Energizer Premium (207X175x175)(EM44-LB1)borna normala 

Detalii aici; 35Ah300A(EN) Energizer Plus (187X127x227)(EP35J-TP)borna normala 

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duminică, 18 august 2013

Invertor auto 3000W Unda Sinusoidala Pura - Pret Importator

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Invertorare auto de la 12V la 220V (unda pura) Calitate si Eficienta Maxima

Protectie la supraincalzire (in cazul in care temperatura interna a invertorului este prea ridicata, acesta se va opri in mod automat pentru siguranta echipamentelor electrice)

Avertizare sonora in caz de tensiune scazuta a bateriei (daca tensiunea bateriei este sub valorile normale, invertorul va emite un sunet de avertizare pentru a atentiona asupra acestei situatii)

Protectie in caz de tensiune scazuta a bateriei (cand bateria sau tensiunea de alimentare este prea mica, invertorul se va opri automat pentru a protectia bateriei)

Livrare gratuita, vezi aici lista cu invertoarele auto 12v 220v disponibile in stoc:

Cautari Frecvente: Producator Invertoare, Producator Invertoare Tensiune, Producator Invertoare Curent, Producator Invertoare DC AC, Producator Invertoare Auto, Producator Invertoare Prefesionale, Producator Invertoare Sinus, Producator Invertoare Sinusoidale, Producator Invertoare cu Redresor, Producator Invertoare pt Sistem Solar, Producator Invertoare pt Sistem Eolian, Producator Invertoare cu Controler Solar, Producator Invertoare cu Unda Modificata, Producator Invertoare cu Unda Dreptunghiulara, Producator Invertoare Laptop, Producator Importator Invertoare de Tensiune, Producator Distribuitor Invertoare DC AC, Producator Magazin Online Invertoare Tensiune, Producator Invertoare 12-220v, Producator Invertoare 24-220v, Producator Invertoare Profesionale 48-220v, Producator Invertoare Tensiune 12-110v, Producator Invertoare DC AC 24-110v, Producator Invertoare Standard American 48-110v

Producator Invertoare DC-AC 

Producator Invertoare Tensiune 12-220v
Producator Invertoare Tensiune 24-220v
Producator Invertoare Tensiune 48-220v
Producator Invertoare Tensiune 12-110v
Producator Invertoare Tensiune 24-110v
Producator Invertoare Tensiune 48-110v

 Invertor Tensiune 24-220v 1000w TS-1000-224B Mean Well

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Invertor Tensiune 12-110v 1000w TS-1000-112A Mean Well
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Invertor Tensiune 24-220v 1500w A302-1k7-F3 Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 24-110v 1500w A302-1k7-B2 Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 24-110v 1500w A302-1k7-B2 Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 12-110v 1500w A301-1k7-B2 Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 12-110v 1500w A301-1k7-B2 Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 48-220v 1500w TS-1500-248B Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 48-220v 1500w TS-1500-248B Mean Well
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Invertor Tensiune 48-110v 1500w TS-1500-148A Mean Well
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Invertor Tensiune 24-220v 1500w TS-1500-224B Mean Well
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Invertor Tensiune 24-110v 1500w TS-1500-124A Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 12-220v 1500w TS-1500-212B Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 12-220v 1500w TS-1500-212B Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 12-110v 1500w TS-1500-112A Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 12-110v 1500w TS-1500-112A Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 48-220v 1500w TN-1500-248B Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 48-220v 1500w TN-1500-248B Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 48-110v 1500w TN-1500-148A Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 48-110v 1500w TN-1500-148A Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 24-220v 1500w TN-1500-224B Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 24-220v 1500w TN-1500-224B Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 24-110v 1500w TN-1500-124A Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 24-110v 1500w TN-1500-124A Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 12-220v 1500w TN-1500-212B Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 12-220v 1500w TN-1500-212B Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 12-110v 1500w TN-1500-112A Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 12-110v 1500w TN-1500-112A Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 12-220v 2500w A301-2k5-F3 Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 12-220v 2500w A301-2k5-F3 Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 24-220v 2500w A302-2k5-F3 Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 24-220v 2500w A302-2k5-F3 Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 24-110v 2500w A302-2K5-B4 Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 24-110v 2500w A302-2K5-B4 Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 12-110v 2500w A301-2k5-B4 Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 12-110v 2500w A301-2k5-B4 Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 12-110v 3000w TN-3000-112A Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 12-110v 3000w TN-3000-112A Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 12-220v 3000w TN-3000-212B Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 12-220v 3000w TN-3000-212B Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 24-110v 3000w TN-3000-124A Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 24-110v 3000w TN-3000-124A Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 24-220v 3000w TN-3000-224B Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 24-220v 3000w TN-3000-224B Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 48-110v 3000w TN-3000-148A Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 48-110v 3000w TN-3000-148A Mean Well
 Invertor Tensiune 48-220v 3000w TN-3000-248B Mean Well
Invertor Tensiune 48-220v 3000w TN-3000-248B Mean Well